Samstag, 31. März 2012

"CSGIS-day" in Freising

Hi to all,
the 30th of March we organized a one-day event to inform about free and open source gis software.
We tried to give the participants an understanding of FOSSGIS by presenting our projects in presentations and workshops.
Topics were the GIS Starter Package for German World Hunger Aid, optimal OS module for UniGIS, WebGIS, OSGEO and general information about FOSS, workshop about symbology/labelling (gvSIG as an example) and SEXTANTE.
We had a great time by tranferring information to the croud!
Best regards, Ruth

Montag, 26. März 2012

CSGIS at FossGIS 2012 in Dessau

From 20th to 22th of March FossGIS 2012 took place in -the city of Bauhaus architecture-Dessau.
It was a pleasure to meet the "FossGIS family" and made new contacts!
I went there together with Benjamin Ducke and Tino Hartauer to present gvSIG CE and Sextante. We held two presentations and a workshop about the two projects and people were interested and started positive discussions.
At gvSIG and Sextante booth we could also give an live overview on the software systems.
Finally and thanks to Cornelius Roth, I had the chance to do a small presentation on the optional module for UniGIS studium about gvSIG and Sextante [1].
Well, thanks to all for the great event and especially for the local team having prepared everything on-site to become the conference a great event!!
Best regards, Ruth


Samstag, 24. März 2012

Thank you Fossgis Girona!

I've spent the last three days at the Fossgis in Girona. I would like to say a big thank you here to the organization of this event for giving us (Victor Olaya & Jose Canalejo) the possibility to talk about gvSIG CE.
David Cuartielles was talking about Arduino ( It was really interesting to meet him there and learning more about Open-source hardware and how this open source project works. Thank you David for your time and excellent talk.
Fernando Gonzalez Cortes made a presentation about GGL2 ( As a result of the 2011 summer of code a GGL interpreter has been integrated in gvSIG to execute GGL2 scripts.
SEXTANTE is well integrated now in gvSIG 1.12 (that is coming soon). As Victor said, now changes made in gvSIG CE have been positive also for gvSIG. The integration of SEXTANTE in 1.12 is better than in 1.11 because of the changes made for Victor in gvSIG CE.
Victor has been working in the Integration of SEXTANTE in QGIS and these are IMHO good news for both projects. Congratulations to Victor and Juan Carlos, SEXTANTE rocks again!
Sergio Álvarez (Vizzuality) made a very good live demo about CartoDB.
It was nice to to see there lots of interesting open source projects and meeting nice people like Agustin and Jose Pablo, you are fantastic guys!
Best wishes to SIGTE!
José Canalejo

Freitag, 16. März 2012

Schweiz CRS (EPSG 2056 + EPSG 21781) in gvSIG

Bisher war es nicht möglich mit der gängigen Schweizer Projektion in gvSIG zu arbeiten.
Das Problem spiegelt sich in diesem Post wieder:

Lange Zeit war es notwendig den folgenden Workaround anzuwenden, um die Projektion für eine Ansicht in gvSIG einzustellen:
Notwendig für die Anpassung war die Änderung des Parameters "90" auf "89.9999999" in der gvSIG EPSG-Datenbank.

Die Anpassung wurde von Benjamin Ducke durchgeführt (vielen Dank an der Stelle!), so dass sich die beiden Projektionen [1] und [2] nun in gvSIG verwenden lassen.

Alle Interessenten bzw. gvSIG -Anwender aus der Schweiz können das *.jar-File hier [3] herunterladen und testen, indem die Datei in das Verzeichnis "extensiones/com.iver.cit.gvsgi/lib" kopiert wird.


Montag, 5. März 2012

Freie GIS-Software in der Praxis

Unter diesem Motto organsiert CSGIS am 30.03.2012 eine 1-tägige Veranstaltung rund um das Thema "freie GIS-Software" und deren Einsatz in konkreten Projekten.
Ein umfangreiches Programm wurde zusammengestellt, das aktuelle Projekte mit freier Software aufzeigt und auch Neuerungen aus dem Bereich DesktopGIS vorstellt.
CSGIS engagiert sich aktiv an der Entwicklung der Open Source Projekte gvSIG und SEXTANTE.
Mehr Informationen enthalten sie hier.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
Ihr CSGIS Team